First Meeting Was Held!(初ミーティングが開催されました!)
Hi, we are Hult Prize Tohoku University Committee!
On May 16th, we held the first meeting in Kawauchi Library Global Leaning Room.
In this meeting, six committee members introduced themselves, discussed the upcoming event timeline, and were assigned roles.
Although we were a little bit nervous at first, everyone gradually became more comfortable, regardless of their grade or nationality!
From now on, we will work together as a team to ensure the success of Hult Prize Tohoku.
皆さん、こんにちは!東北大学 Hult Prize (ハルトプライズ)運営委員会です!
5月16日(木)に川内図書館のグローバル学習室にて、Hult Prize Tohokuの運営メンバーの初ミーティングが行われました!
これからこのメンバーでHult Prize Tohokuの開催を成功させるために尽力していきます!