1st Networking and Information Sessions were Held!!! (第1回交流会・説明会を実施しました)
Japanese follows English.
Hi, we are Hult Prize Tohoku University Committee!
In May 2nd, we were held a networking and information sessions in Aobayama commons.
Firstly, Itsuki Tsuchida, who is a campus director, explained what hult prize is, his plans and his visions. About 15 students gathered there, and listened to him carefully.
After that, they shared their own opinion about SDGs, some global issues, their business ideas, future plans actively.
We are glad if many students there join our committee or participate in on-campus competition.
皆さん、こんにちは!東北大学 Hult Prize (ハルトプライズ)運営委員会です!
まずはじめに、今年度キャンパスディレクターを務めます土田稜貴より、Hult Prizeの簡単な説明とタイムスケジュール、ビジョンについてお話させていただきました。
運営委員会、参加者と関わり方は様々ですが、今回のイベントの参加者がHult Prize Tohoku University を盛り上げていってくれることを期待しています!